Mushro Evolution

Mushroes stand as the heart of Mushro Legends, permeating all game modes with their indomitable presence.

Every Mushro begins its quest at Level 1 and the lowest Evolution Rank, both pivotal indicators of a Mushro's prowess.

These crucial attributes are visually accessible through the hero Avatar explanation on the Mushro's Game UI:

  • Level: Located at the top, the hero's current level defines its power and capabilities.

  • Rarity Level: Indicated by the border type and color, the Rarity Level accentuates the hero's uniqueness and potential.

  • Evolution Rank: Represented by stars at the bottom, the Evolution Rank showcases a Mushro's growth and potential.

To elevate a Mushro's capabilities, experience points (EXP) must be earned through Campaign missions or obtained via EXP Potions. Each level attained augments the Mushro's stats, the extent of which is influenced by its current Evolution Rank.

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