Hector (Marksman)

Even before the Rot appeared, Hector was a natural tinkerer. He loved breaking things apart and building them back together. When the Rot appeared, Hector saw a golden opportunity to test his inventions, and so he joined to fray - bringing his twisted weapons to the fight.

Name: Hector

Gender: Male

Type: Marksman

Rarity: Legendary

Main Stat: Agility

Position: Middle



All enemies in the same row/column of Hector’s target take [25% Physical Damage]


Hector begins combat with 20% CRIT chance (+15% from base stats). Whenever hector critically strikes an enemy, he gains 1 Rocket.

Rocket Shot

When Hector has 5 rockets, he fires his stored rockets. Each one targets a random enemy and deals [100% Physical Damage] + [100% Magical Damage].

Hector’s rockets can critically strike.

Boom Shot!

Hector fires a large rocket that damages all enemies dealing [250% Physical Damage] and coating them in magic dust for 10 seconds. All attacks against coated enemies have a +15% chance to crit.

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