Oakley (Marksman)

A notorious marksman, Oakley was known for pillaging small villages for her own keep. Undeterred by law enforcement, she ran from village to village, looting all those in her path. When the Rot started encroaching on her territory, that’s when she realized she had to take a stand.

Name: Oakley

Gender: Female

Type: Marksman

Rarity: Epic

Main Stat: Agility

Position: Middle



Oakley’s second shot deals an additional [100% Magical Damage]

Beam Shot

After 8 shots with her weapon, Oakley shoots a beam of energy forwards dealing [75% Magical Damage] to all enemies hit

Rapid Fire

Oakley targets the highest health enemy. She fires 10 shots - Each one deals 5% of her target’s current health as physical damage. [Minimum damage = 150% Physical Damage]

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