Arachne (Tank)

After losing her legs in a battle against the Rot, Arachne met with Delphi, the oracle of the forest, to see if she could be helped. Delphi was able to use divine magic to enhance Arachne’s body with eight limbs, giving her greatly increased mobility. Now with her improved physique, Arachne is ready to rejoin the fray!

Name: Arachne

Gender: Female

Type: Tank

Rarity: Epic

Main Stat: Strength

Position: Front


Web Wall

At the start of combat, conjure a web wall on the enemy’s side that extremely slows them. [85% Slow]

Grenade Launch

Arachne hurls a grenade dealing [125% Magical Damage] in a small area.

  • Cooldown: 6s


Arachne wraps the highest health enemy in a web, removing them from the fight for 6s.

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