
The Lifeline of Adventure

Gold stands as the cornerstone of Mushro Legends' economy, fueling a multitude of actions within the game. Acquire Gold through the following avenues:

  • Campaign Missions: Emerge victorious in Campaign Missions to claim Gold as a hard-earned reward.

  • Quests: Engage in daily and lifetime quests, surmount challenges, and secure resources to further your Mushros' growth.

  • Daily Bonus: Receive a daily infusion of Gold, rewarding your consistent dedication.

  • Spinning Wheel: Try your luck at the Spinning Wheel to seize generous Gold rewards.

  • In-App Purchase: Acquire Diamonds through in-app purchases within the game.

  • Weekly Arena Reward: Excel in the arena to garner weekly Gold rewards.

  • Inventory Sales: Opt to sell items within your inventory for an influx of Gold.

Last updated