
Unveil a diverse ensemble of 25 Mushroes, each uniquely endowed with newfound magical prowess. Embark on a profound odyssey as these extraordinary beings take up arms to safeguard their realms and counter the relentless advance of The Rot.

In Mushro Legends, each Mushro embodies a distinctive set of skills and attributes, offering players an array of strategic possibilities. As guardians of their kingdoms, Mushroes strive to reclaim the land from The Rot's blight, employing their magical abilities to cleanse and restore Porcinia to its former splendor.

Dive into the evolving narrative of Mushro Legends, where the roster of Mushroes continues to expand, promising an ever-growing roster of captivating characters. Stay tuned as we introduce new Mushroes to enrich the gameplay experience and offer you endless avenues for exploration and adventure.

You can check the detail of each hero one by one.

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