KYC & Code Audit

1. Know Your Customer

The Golden Crypto team has been fully doxxed by BTok and the Binance Community 8.0 on Facebook.

What is Know Your Customer (KYC) for Cryptocurrency? Know Your Customer (KYC), sometimes referred to as Know Your Client, is a process by which a business or agency verifies the identity of its clients.

It is similar, to KYC in banking and finance, and investing. When you deal with KYC, it means the institution knows everything about you and monitors your account, transactions, and other activity.

2. Code Audit

GoldenDoge smart contract code has been audited by TechRate. There will be more code audits in the future including CertiK.

A smart contract audit is an extensive methodical examination and analysis of a smart contract’s code that is used to interact with a cryptocurrency or blockchain. This process is conducted to discover errors, issues and security vulnerabilities in the code in order to suggest improvements and ways to fix them.

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